Writing An Application For Fee Installments In School/College/University

Writing An Application For Fee Installments: If you are having problems at home or you are short of money and cannot pay your fees in full, then you can write to your university or college to inform them if you are paying in installments. In this article, I have shared with you samples of fee payment that you can use these samples to pay installments of fees in your college or university school due to the low income of your parents or guardian, etc. You can use these patterns and your application will be accepted, you don’t need to worry, the solution to your problem is there in this article, you just have to use it properly.

Here Are some samples Of Application For Fee Installments

Application for Fee Installments in School – Sample-1

Date: 23/06/24

The Principal/Dean

School/College/University name…

School Address…

Sub: Application for Paying Fees in Installment


I pay my sincerest respect to you, my name is (Your Name) and I am a student of your reputed school or college.

Due to some monetary issues, my father would not be able to pay my fees at once. hence, I request you to please grant us to pay the fee in installments.

I assure you that I will be paid within the period. academically, I have a good record too.

I humbly request you to grant my appeal.

(Yours sincerely),

(Your name…)

(Admission Reg)

(Contact info).

Application for Fee Installments in Collage – Sample-2

Dear Sir/Madam
Government College,
City, A.B.C

Sub: Application for payment of School Fees In Installments.

With all due respect, my name is (Your Name) and I am a student of class 8 of your school. I am writing this letter to seek your permission for payment of school fees in installments. I have to pay the total (Amount) which is getting difficult because the financial condition of my family is not good.

So I can’t pay full school fees in one go, so please allow me to pay school fees in installments I will pay the fee in installment.
Thanking you,

Your Faithfully,
Nidaan Awan,

Application for Fee Installments in University & Acadamy – Sample-3

Date: DD/MM/YY

The Principal

University name…


Sub: Application for Paying Fees in Installment due to Father got hospitalized


I pay my sincerest respect to you. My name is (Your Name) I enrolled in your prestigious University last year.

My father got hospitalized a few weeks back. since is not in good condition both physically and financially. I request you to please allow me to pay the fee in installments.

I shall be obliged for your kind support.

Yours sincerely,

Your name…

Admission Reg. no.

Contact info. Signature…

Application for Fee Installments in Coaching Institute – Sample-4

Dear Sir/Mam
College Name,
City, Karachi

Sub: Application for payment of School Fees In Installments.

With utmost respect, my name is__ (Name) and I am a student of___ (Department) I am studying in__ (Year/Semester) of your reputed college___ (College Name) my student ID/Roll Number___ (Mention your student ID Roll number).

I am writing this letter to seek your permission for payment of college fees in installment. I have to pay a total amount of___ (amount) which is getting difficult for my parents. as per____ (Mention Reason) I request you to kindly allow me to pay the fees in installments.

I look forward to your kind spot I shall be highly obliged.

Your Faithfully,
Sultana Nasreen,

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